Five Types Of Alcoholics: Unlocking The Truth

According to NIAAA, around 20 percent of college students struggle with alcohol addiction. The best type of treatment will depend on your treatment needs and individual circumstances. There’s no single solution for alcohol addiction, and treatment is highly individualized. In that case, it’s best to speak with your doctor or an addiction treatment professional at a reputable detox or rehab center like Nova Recovery Center. Nineteen percent of people3 with an alcohol addiction fall under this fourth category of alcoholism.

It is sometimes hard for families to realize that one is a functioning alcoholic. Speaking about the moderate levels of alcohol intake, drinking alone from time to time cannot serve as the sign of alcoholism. Unfortunately, less than 10% of those adults with negative drinking patterns or who were alcohol-dependent received professional support for different stages of alcoholism in 2015.

What Factors Contribute to Alcoholism?

It’s important to note that young antisocial alcoholics may have a history of criminal behavior, and may struggle with impulse control and emotional regulation. This can make it difficult for them to maintain healthy relationships and hold down steady jobs. In addition, their heavy drinking can lead to a range of health problems, including liver disease, heart disease, and even cancer. One notable characteristic of individuals in this subtype is their five types of alcoholics ability to maintain a relatively high level of functioning in their personal and professional lives despite their alcohol dependence. They may hold stable jobs, maintain relationships, and fulfill their daily responsibilities, which can make it challenging to identify their alcohol-related issues. Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a chronic disease characterized by the compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol.

These individuals often exhibit impulsive and aggressive tendencies, engaging in risky behaviors and disregarding social norms and responsibilities. They may have a history of conduct disorder or antisocial personality disorder. The Young Adult Subtype is one of the that can help us better understand and address the complexities of alcoholism. This subtype is characterized by specific traits and behaviors that are common among young adults struggling with alcohol addiction.

Seeking Treatment for Alcoholism

Several factors contribute to the development and maintenance of functional alcoholism. These factors can include genetic predisposition, environmental influences, and psychological factors. This comes with its risks, as the interaction between alcohol and other substances is highly documented as being dangerous behaviour, often having serious long-term impacts on the individual’s physical and mental health. In the large majority of cases, functional alcoholics seem to have a ‘normal’ life, though, behind the scenes, this can be a very different story. These different categories of alcoholism affect individuals differently, with different consequences.

five types of alcoholics

For example, chronic severe alcoholics have the highest prevalence3 of psychiatric disorders like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder compared to the other four subtypes. This subtype of alcoholics is relatively young, about 26 to 27 years old, with 75 percent being male. They began drinking the earliest of all five types, at around 15 years-old, with the average age of dependency starting at age 18. More than half of young antisocial alcoholics come from families with alcoholism, and about half have been diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder. People with this disorder are more likely to be impulsive, lack remorse, engage in criminal behavior, have legal problems, and manipulate others.3 Many individuals in this subtype also have major depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. While the other types of alcoholics are not particularly likely to seek treatment, two-thirds3 of those in the chronic severe subtype reach out for professional help.

Understanding the 6 Types of Alcoholism

Treatment approaches for the Young Adult Alcoholic subtype often necessitate strategies that address peer influence, the social normalization of binge drinking, and a lack of recognition of their alcohol problem. Classifying alcoholism into subtypes can also help identify and remove barriers to professional assessment and treatment. For example, those in the chronic and severe subgroup tend to have the lowest socioeconomic status. This means that while they may benefit most from inpatient treatment, they may not be able to financially afford the cost. One way to help remove that barrier to treatment would be to support these people in seeking affordable insurance options, treatment grants, scholarships, or loans.

  • Join us in navigating the complexities of alcoholism, fostering empathy, and shedding light on the diverse ways people approach and overcome the challenges of addiction.
  • Researchers found that they have the highest rates of employment among alcoholics, with 68% working full-time and an average family income of nearly $50,000 a year.
  • The NIAAA researchers found that there were five distinct patterns of alcohol dependence.
  • Many members of this group smoke cigarettes, but few have other substance use disorders.

Those with this subtype have a history of delinquent behavior, such as stealing or fighting, and may have legal issues due to alcohol abuse. They may also exhibit impulsive and reckless behavior and problems with interpersonal relationships. Recognizing the early signs of functional alcoholism and seeking help promptly can help prevent the condition from worsening and reduce the risk of long-term complications.